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Chesterfield Leather


I wanted to try a more organic material, so I made this chesterfield style armchair leather.
My main artistic inspiration was a material of the same type made by Jonathan Benainous and several references of armchairs of this type.

I made this material on my free time for the last 8 days.

The prop was provided by a friend, to put my material in situation.
So I imported the mesh in Substance Painter and then applied on it my material made on Substance Designer beforehand.
I made a simple baking and added some details on Substance Painter, just to make the imported material fit better with the prop.

Thanks to Flore Lemoine for the asset and for the help in lighting the scene :

Thanks to Arthur Fournier for his feedback :

Thanks also to Kerridwen Orellana for her feedback :

Thanks also to all those I can't mention for your encouragement towards my work!

I hope you like it!